Establish A Strong & Vibrant Work Culture

Foster the life and work principles that deepen your work culture, build stronger teams, and boost performance and profitability.

Clarify Your Values & Bring Your Teams Together

There is only one way a company can truly thrive: when all team members are unified toward a common goal. And without that direction, there will always be unnecessary struggle.

Establishing a strong work culture teaches individuals what’s important from day one. It makes it clear how each team member can get on board and serve the greater good. And that means more productive teams and greater profitability.

So it’s high time you decide what’s important at your company—and then make that expectation crystal clear.

Define Your Culture
A man in a maroon shirt enthusiastically presents in front of a whiteboard to two seated colleagues during a business meeting in a conference room.

A Sterling Path to Thriving Workplaces

Lodestar Guidance is a collection of 48 values and principles for helping companies elevate their work culture. These principles are time-tested and act as the undercurrent of strong-cultured companies world-wide.

Begin your journey with Lodestar guidance by choosing 6 to 12 principles that most resonate with your vision. Then, meet once per month to assess, learn about, and apply these guiding pillars throughout your company.

The power of these principles and the Lodestar Guidance must be experienced to be fully appreciated. Take the teachings to heart and you’ll be astounded at the personal, productive and financial growth that occurs throughout your business.

Master Your Work Culture with a
Lodestar Guidance Facilitator

Gideon's profile picture

Gideon King

Master facilitator Gideon King knows that culture is strengthened through individual growth. As such, he loves exploring—and applying—the shared beliefs and actions that lead to strong group dynamics and vibrant teams through the Lodestar Guidance.

Lodestar Guidance Training Options

Lodestar Guidance is available in 6- and 12-month packages. One principle is discussed each month and comes with an instructional video, handout, and assessment for your company.

Working with a facilitator is optional. But for making the most of these trainings, is highly recommended for your first 6- or 12-month package.

6-Month Training

12-Month Training

Unsure which is best for your business?

Transform Your Company Culture


Choose Your Principles

Choose from 48 unique principles for building a healthy work culture.


Enjoy Your Training

Team coaching sessions are fun and interactive—get ready for a great time connecting with your team!


Unleash Your Team’s Potential

Attract better people, lead happier employees, and watch productivity and profitability soar.

These Companies Transformed Their Workplace Cultures—You Can Too

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