A Simple Framework for Building High-Caliber Teams

Build high-performing teams through self-awareness and placing people in the best positions to thrive.

Everyone has a working genius—and the things they’d rather not do.

Each and every employee brings certain gifts to the workplace. When given the right tasks, those employees feel energized and productive. But when given the wrong tasks, the result is frustration and burnout.

Patrick Lencioni’s 6 Types of Working Genius is a simple, easy-to-apply framework for understanding the six phases of a project and how to put people in the right place at your company.

  • Increase workplace productivity
  • Build resilient, high-caliber teams
  • Improve hiring & retention
Build Better Teams

Witness the Full Strength of Your Teams

Every project goes through six distinct stages. Starting with the “big idea” and ending with final completion, each stage needs the right person on the job—otherwise, things don’t get done.

The 6 Types of Working Genius is a group training seminar that helps to create a vibrant workplace that’s more productive and profitable—by discovering each team member’s working geniuses, frustrations, and what that means for your organization.

Ready to discover your team’s unique genius?

Meet Your 6 Types of
Working Genius Coach

Shawn Hochstetler

Shawn Hochstetler is a Working Genius Certified Facilitator who—after hearing about the 6 types of genius in passing—is now passionate about helping others find work they love. The kind that brings them joy and energy and motivates them each day.

Team Training Options

2-Hour Training

Assess your team, discover your working geniuses, and then learn to leverage those gifts for the advantage of the team.

3-Hour Training

Take a deep dive into the discovery of each team member’s strengths and working frustrations—then use those insights to develop clear, practical strategies for strengthening your teams. (Recommended for greatest results.)

Learn Your Genius & Build Better Teams


Speak with a Coach

Meet with a coach to discover the right training for your teams and company.


Enjoy Your Training

Team coaching sessions are fun and interactive—get ready for a great time connecting with your team!


Supercharge Productivity

Enjoy greater productivity and profitability as a result of happier employees working well together.

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