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A 90 Day Employee Review
Congratulations on completing the first 90 days of your new job!
Over the past three months, you’ve likely underwent some changes: some you probably like and maybe others that, well, you don’t. That’s just how it goes, wouldn’t you agree?
Well, there a way to change to the things that aren’t working for you. And that’s exactly why Integro has created this 90-day review for new employees to send along to their bosses.
By completing the survey, you’ll achieve two things:
1. You’ll become more confident in your professional role…
2. And you’ll help your boss make your work life more fun and rewarding.
(Because, let’s face it: that’s good for business.)
The 90-day review is a self-assessment for revealing your strengths and weaknesses, while discovering insights into how your company can be improved.
The survey only takes about fifteen minutes and provides you with the opportunity to share what’s most important to you at work. So, be sure to set aside a few moments, right now, to get the conversation started.
Oh, and one last thing before you do:
Your opinion is highly valued. You have a unique vantage point for seeing things others cannot. And by sharing openly and honestly with your managing boss, you’ll make the most of this short review and your time on the job.
In other words…
If there’s something your boss can do for you – now’s the time to let them know!
Start your 90-day review now.