We help businesses scale their company with less stress.
Lancaster Office
2420 Gehman Ln Suite 100
Lancaster PA 17602Paradise Office
118 Harristown Rd
Paradise PA 17562Virginia Office
5842 Runkles Gap Rd
Elkton, VA 22827Email
What we cover on a first call
Your goals and challenges
A quick overview of how we help companies grow
Any questions you have
You don’t have to do it alone
Time and focus are limited commodities for every leader. As business grows, demand grows and you as the owner often get stretched so thin you can't properly manage everything. Too often, leaders who fail to clearly identify the most important areas of focus end up burning out from being spread too thin.
INTEGRO helps business leaders scale their companies without burning out.

Stoltzfus Structures

OverEZ Chicken Coops
Chazak Rescue

VIP Puppies

Blessings of Hope
Country Lane Gazebos

Dutchies Stoneworks