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How to Increase Ad Effectiveness by 1233%
You’ve done it.
Your website is live.
Contact info, information about your products and services, how your company transforms the lives of your customers and community . . . it’s all there.
And with online ads driving traffic to your landing page, the sales are starting to trickle in. The only problem is that it’s just that. A trickle. Not exactly the tidal wave of new business you were hoping for.
Now, while each sale certainly does help, wouldn’t it be nice to crank up the faucet? You know, water splashing around all over the place, overflowing on the kitchen floor?
Well, you can radically increase the effectiveness of your online ads and help the sales pour in – and it doesn’t require rewriting your marketing (not yet, anyways).
To do that - to crank up the sales faucet – you first need to understand one simple fact: that no matter how good your ads are, only a very small number of new leads are ready to buy at any given time.
In fact, that number of hot leads sits right around 3% of your total traffic. Meaning that for every 100 visitors to your site, only three of them are ready and willing to make an immediate purchase. With the rest simply clicking away and going about their business.
However, all is not lost. And you can capture a good portion of the remaining 97%. For example, there are 7% of that total number that are open to buying, but just need the right push. Beyond that, there’s another 30% that are highly interested, but need a bit more time before committing to a purchase.
(The other 60%? You can just forget about them. They just aren’t interested. Please don’t take it personally.)
Fortunately, there is a way to capture this additional 37% of your visitors. To do so, you only need a way to stay in touch with them until they’re ready to buy. And, by managing to do so, you increase your addressable market from 3% to 40% – an incredible 1233% increase!
Talk about cranking up the faucet.
The Power of Lead Generators
Just like asking someone to marry you on the first date probably won’t snag you a spouse, many customers need a bit of time before committing to your products and services.
The key, then, is starting and nurturing that relationship over time. Then, when the other person is ready, they’ll be far more likely to choose your brand over the competition.
This means getting prospective customers' contact information and then adding them to your marketing campaigns. Online, one of the best ways to do that is by offering what’s called a lead generator.
Lead generators (sometimes called lead magnets) are any free resource that you deliver in exchange for a client’s contact information. Lead generators tend to be highly effective at capturing visitors’ email addresses as the content is usually intended to help those customers solve a problem.
While lead generators can be just about any resource format you can think of, typical online examples include:
- ebooks
- checklists
- infographics
- reusable worksheets
- videos
- email newsletters
- quizzes
- surveys
- calculators and estimators
- and more
How Lead Generators Improve Your Bottom Line
The goal of a lead generator is to get people signed up for your email list. Then, you can nurture those relationships with relevant content and the occasional sales pitch.
Additionally, lead generators tend to be very effective at generating eventual sales as they:
1. Qualify Leads
Lead generators attract people that are interested in what you have to offer. This creates more targeted mailing lists that drive sales while giving you valuable insights into your target market.
2. Establish Authority
It may seem like a no-brainer, but for a customer to do business with you, they need to trust that you can actually solve their problems. By sharing information relevant to those problems, you establish credibility and your brand as an authority.
3. Create Reciprocity
Humans are driven to return the favors that others extend to them. So, when a business provides free resources of any kind, the recipient will naturally want to pay that company back.
Because of this, don’t be concerned that you’re giving too much away. It never hurts to be known as a generous brand.
4. Improve Website SEO
Downloadable materials on your website help to improve search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. Or, how easy you are to find on Google. And that’s good.
Four Steps to Creating an Irresistible Lead Generator
As you can see, lead generators are incredibly valuable, and, simply put, every single business with a website needs at least one available download.
The good news is that creating an effective lead generator isn’t hard. In fact, you don’t even need to start from scratch. A great way to get going is to check out what others in your field are offering and then, well, make something better.
1. Pick A Problem Your Customer Faces
What is a common problem your customers face? How does that problem make them feel? What do they want in relation to your products and services? What’s holding them back from that?
Write it down.
2. Deliver the Solution to that Problem
Once you have outlined your customer’s problem, it’s time to give them the solution. To do so, keep it simple and light on text. Just write out what they need to know and make it scannable.
3. Include a Strong Call-to-Action
After delivering the promised value, let your customers know exactly what you want them to do next. If you want them to email, call, text or stop by the shop, tell them.
If you don’t, they’ll just move on.
4. Give Your Lead Generator an Irresistible Title
While it may seem counterintuitive, the most important part of your lead generator is the title. It’s the first thing people see, and if it isn’t compelling enough, they won’t care to sign up.
Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s a quick checklist you can download and come back to to make sure you’re getting it right.
Are You Ready to Radically Improve Your Online Ad Effectiveness?
Websites that don’t use lead generators lose a lot of sales– which can certainly be frustrating, to say the least. Especially after all the time and money you’ve put into your online presence.
That makes an effective lead generator absolutely critical for making the most of your online presence. And until you have one available, prospective clients will keep slipping through the cracks.
Despite this, some business owners go years without the benefits of a simple lead generator. To be fair, it does take a bit of time and effort, and while you can always hire some outside help, choosing the right marketing group can be confusing.
At Integro, we believe that getting effective marketing should be simple. That’s why we’re committed to helping business owners set up ad campaigns and lead generators that work – and are designed specifically for their clientele and market.
If you’d like to learn what a simple lead generator (alongside some proven marketing strategies) can do for your business, hop on a free Discovery Call with one of our marketing professionals.
On your call, you’ll have the opportunity to share about your business and the struggles you’re facing. Then, you’ll get some solid advice on the spot with absolutely no strings attached.
If you’re ready to get the most from your website, book your free Discovery Call now. I think you’ll agree that a risk-free, 10-minute phone call is worth your time – especially while most of your online sales are slipping away as we speak.