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Don't Miss This! How Integro Led EZ Chicken Coops to TRIPLE Their Revenue
“How can I gain a cutting-edge, unbiased evaluation of my business tactics?”
Have you asked yourself this question? No matter our role in business, we all crave quality feedback on our strategy–especially from someone totally impartial!
During early 2020, Chet, CEO of Over EZ Chicken Coops, held similar thoughts.
“I need fresh insight,” — Chet decided “I need someone to build my vision with–someone who holds the same level of experience as I do, but isn’t carrying bias towards my company or my teammates.”
Chet knew exactly where to find this resource. He scheduled a meeting with our coach, Jonas.
First, Jonas helped Chet build company vision.
He booked a venue and built a schedule for regular vision-setting meetings. For three hours each month, Chet’s leadership team met to talk and strategize. Jonas led them in asking God for wisdom and creativity. God answered the team’s requests with specific, clear direction. Now the ball was in Chet’s court. Would he act on the strategies and ideas God revealed to his team?
Chet chose to act.
Jonas backed him up immediately, launching step two of the coaching process: implementation. He helped Chet assemble a salesforce to support quality customer relationships. They enacted top-of-the-line marketing strategies, built portals for automatic ordering and enacted a very aggressive nation-wide dealer connection. Within five months’ time, Over EZ monopolized over 50% of the top chicken coop retailers in the nation.
Jonas helped Chet discover that Chet’s calling is to bring talented people together to do great things.

Chet wanted to carry out this calling in practical ways, so Jonas helped him build a new framework for staff-related decisions. This new framework empowered Over EZ team members to work out of their own unique callings, catalyzing a boom in employee opportunities.
Three million dollars was the annual gross revenue when Chet purchased Over EZ Chicken Coops during July of 2020.

By year’s end, Over EZ produced six million dollars of gross revenue. During 2021, Over EZ added one hundred and twenty new dealers and closed the year at fourteen million dollars of annual gross revenue. Now that’s some wild multiplication, wouldn’t you agree?
We asked Chet what launched his incredible success. His words?
“A unified team, strong vision and a market that is clamoring for backyard chickens. Jonas helped me clarify my gifts and discover how to help others clarify their own giftings.”
Because he came to us for help, this leader learned how to invite the wisdom of God and others into his ideas for the future, created a thriving employee infrastructure and tripled his annual gross revenue. We’d say Chet’s request for fresh insight sure paid off!