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The Power of Executive Coaching for Leadership Development
Today, I want to tell you a story.
It’s a story of two men coming from similar pasts, each growing up on a rural farm and, as they came of age, working hard for their family businesses.
As time went on, each of these two young men grew to be productive members of their local communities. And, drawing on the skills they learned as youths, decided to go into business for themselves.
While both began on a similar path, a few years down the road there was a stark contrast in what each had achieved.
One of these young men was running a successful company with annual revenues of a few million dollars. Not bad, you might think. But, when you consider the other was earning four to five times that amount – and was significantly less stressed – you might begin to wonder: why the disparity?
What ultimately set these men apart was not their talent or intelligence, nor their work ethic or even luck. Instead, what determined their fate was much simpler:
The things they had learned and then successfully applied to their lives and businesses. And, simply put, the one knew where to look and the other did not.
So where does one go to find the answers that would make such a dramatic difference as a business leader?
Well, before this modern information age, knowledge was often passed down from personal guides. An apprentice put in the paces under the experienced eye of their chosen mentor – just as each of these two men learned their trade by working for their families as they came of age.
However, where one man thought his days or tutorship were over, the other realized that finding a new guide could help him learn much more – even how to run a thriving business. In other words…
That man understood the power of having a coach.

Executive Coaching for Business Leaders
Leadership coaches – sometimes called “executive” coaches – are guides that help company leaders develop their personal leadership style. These coaches typically have a wide range of experience helping leaders across many industries. As such, they are able to offer a broad range of assistance to business executives.
An experienced leadership coach takes over-burdened owners and upper management employees by the hand and helps them solve organizational problems. This can mean anything from solving financial issues to improving product-line efficiency and even helping your employees find more time and greater enjoyment at work.
They’re able to do this by maintaining a big-picture focus while searching for and addressing the root causes of your business strife. This can be helpful, as often organizational leaders find themselves bogged down by the day-to-day and unable to see the organization as a whole.
Shouldn’t Everyone Have a Coach?
Despite the benefits of hiring an executive coach, many business owners don’t pull the trigger. And it’s no wonder why.
There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to hiring a coach. Is it worth the time and money? And if so, how do you choose the right time to invest in yourself and your business? Because let’s face it:
You’re probably busy enough.
Because this choice can be tough, the rest of this article is dedicated to helping you decide if coaching is right for you. So, if you’re still curious, read on.
Will Coaching Fit Into Your Budget?
If you’re wondering whether the cost of coaching is worth it for your business, consider this:
A recent Metrix Global study found that executive coaching paid an incredible 788% ROI as compared to its cost. This return was based on a number of factors: including increased productivity and employee retention. Here’s why:
Executive coaches are skilled at finding ways to increase revenue while also loosening up cash flow within a business. And the more problems you and your coach work on together, the more revenue you’ll free up over the long-term. And that’s not all.
Take for example employee turnover costs. It’s reported that it takes around 33% of a worker’s salary to replace them. And since it’s often said that employees “don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses,” anything you can do to improve your leadership skills will have a direct effect on employee satisfaction and ultimately, retention.
As you can see, coaching can be well worth the upfront investment. You just need to make sure of three things.

Finding a Qualified Coach
After the initial financial hurdle of hiring an executive coach, there comes another question: how do you know you’re hiring someone with integrity? Someone that walks their talk. A person that can actually help your business grow. Well, it turns out that there is one proven way.
By talking to their clients.
If an executive coach can’t provide a list of ecstatic local clients, be careful. While it’s true that everyone starts their professional journey somewhere, coaching is a major investment – one you need to make a return on.
Search for a coach with a proven track record. While online reviews can be helpful, it’s much better to speak directly with that coach’s clients. That way, you can ask them specific questions regarding their experience. For example:
What was the process like while working with their coach?
How often did they meet?
What did they do during meetings?
Was there homework?
How did they feel about the end result?
How specifically has their business improved?
Was coaching fun?
Did they find it worth the time?
The answers to these questions will give you a good idea of whether or not a coach is a good fit for you and your company. Then, once you’ve found someone you like, there’s still one final question to ask before making the leap.
Do You Have the Time to Invest in Leadership Coaching?
Coaching is an investment – one of money and time. As such, you need to be willing to put in the energy and follow through with the guidance your coach provides. In other words, you need to do the work.
This is where things get tricky. The reason is that creating more time takes, well, time. It’s not a quick fix. It requires making changes, and you have to be ready to put in some extra work up front. But by learning a new method of management, the rewards will be well worth it.
By learning how to delegate under your coach’s guidance, you free up your time. This then lets you focus on the bigger picture – creating strategies that will ultimately propel your teams to even greater heights.
The main point here is to know that, yes, change takes work. But if you’re ready, it’s the kind of work you’ll never regret. Which brings us to the final point.
When is it the Right Time to Hire an Executive Coach?
Deciding whether it’s the right time to hire a coach can be tough. And ultimately, it’s a decision between you and God. It requires some self-reflection. And while you’re thinking about it, remember this:
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second best is today.
If you’ve been considering leadership coaching – and are ready to discover the potential of having an experienced guide – reach out today for your free Discovery Call with one of Integro’s executive business coaches.
Your Discovery Call is just this: a pressure-free opportunity for you to share about your business and the challenges you’re facing. Then, we’ll help you determine if coaching is right for you at this time - with zero pressure and no strings attached.

If you later decide to work with a coach, Integro offers a number of different programs. These range from meeting once or twice a month for an hour and a half, to hybrid models which combine private coaching with group work alongside fellow business leaders. And whichever you feel would work best for your business, you can feel confident you’re making the right choice.
Because Integro coaches have been helping business leaders like you free up their time and learn to love work again for over 20 years. Our coaches follow proven business frameworks and Biblical Principles that often double (or more) our clients’ revenue in 12-24 months. And those changes start with you.
As ultimately, your business success relies on the quality of your leadership. So if you’re ready to finally come up for air and to join that rare group of leaders that gets things done and keeps work fun, book your free Discovery Call now.
It’s just a ten-minute chat at your convenience. So book it now, before you forget. Because you, your teams and your community deserve strong, confident leadership that gets things done.
Go ahead and book your free Discovery Call now.