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Discern your Target Audience | Quiz
As a small business owner and entrepreneur, it's critical that you know who to market to.
An essential step towards success as a small business owner is knowing your target market. Without knowing your ideal market, you won't be able to strategically invest your limited time, energy, and marketing dollars.
It's also critical that you not only know your target audience, but that it's the best possible market for you. The last thing you want to be doing is wasting resources marketing to the wrong target audience.
This assessment will tell you if you've selected a specific niche market and whether you've found one that seems to be ideal for you. The results will give you an indication of whether you're well underway with your target market identification or whether you should go back to the drawing board.
Please complete all items. Rate each item on a scale of 1-5. Select the answer that best represents your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors regarding your target market. Choose how true each statement is for you.
Knowing your target market is an essential step to success. If you don’t know your ideal market, you’ll end up wasting time, money and energy on fruitless marketing.
Discouraging? I agree. And that’s why we’ve created this assessment! It’ll go into great detail assessing whether you have a target audience, and if they’re the right ones you should be marketing for.
It’ll also show you how impactful having a target audience will be for the future growth of your business.
The assessment will also give you the tools you need so you know how to even go about discovering who your target audience is.
You might not have realized before that finding your target audience takes time and energy and is more complex than you probably realized before. However, all that's about to change!
Feeling overwhelmed? It'll take time and energy to nail it down, but realizing how impactful this step in your marketing is will definitely make up for all the work. Trying to market to everyone won’t work, it hasn’t in the past and I’m sorry to say, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to change anytime soon.
It can be helpful to go through a process of brainstorming and refining ideas to select who you’re actually marketing to. And once you’ve narrowed this down, you also need to make sure you’re able to address the needs of your target market/audience.
When you're able to quickly and easily state who your clients or customers are in just one sentence that's when you know you’ve nailed down your target audience.
Remember, receiving professional consultation or coaching can be incredibly impactful if you’re still struggling to refine who your target audience is. It may feel discouraging to do so but rather we like to look at it as training in humility. Being willing to humbly ask for help will take you a long way in the future of our business.
Once you’ve nailed down your target audience it’s important to keep a close look on your sales. If you notice a steady increase of sales in your businesses product or service you’re on the right track. If so, give yourself a pat on the back and go buy yourself a cup of coffee. Things are looking bright and you’ve made a considerable step in the right direction!
If however, you notice a slow decline. Don’t worry too much, this simply gives you a sign that something’s just not quite right. Either your target audience isn’t who you should be marketing for, or perhaps your product or service needs a little bit of tweaking in order to meet your target audiences needs. Now, go buy a cup of coffee, take a walk and then get back at it with renewed energy and remember don’t stress it too much.
It’s all about whether you’re moving in the right direction, and if you’re nailing down your target audience, trust me, you’re moving in the right direction. Small steps in the right direction add up, and sometimes it just takes a little longer than expected.
This assessment will tell you if you’ve selected a specific niche market and whether you’ve found one that seems to be ideal for you. The results will give you an indication of whether you are well underway with your target market identification or whether you should go back to the drawing board.
As you can see, taking the time, consideration, research, and thought into the creation of your target market will transform your business now and the future impact of your business.
Here’s to finding your target audience and scaling the impact of your business!
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