We are excited to announce that Golden Rule Business Services has officially merged with Integro 212 and will be known as Integro Finance going forward.

Get your Books in Order

Helping you have error-free books so you can have a successful business.

Accurate Bookkeeping is Essential to your Business.

How accurate are your books?

Having clean, accurate bookkeeping isn’t easy. We get it. But we also know the powerful impact that clean, error-free books can have on your business. When your books are in order you’ll have the time and energy you need to invest in other areas of your business. We all know the last thing you need is the IRS coming into your business finding mistakes you’ve made due to a lack of time and energy. You may recognize the importance of precise bookkeeping, but it’s another thing to have correct bookkeeping. That’s where we come in.
We commit to helping you organize and clean up your books once and for all. Once your books are in order, you’ll have the time and energy you need to invest in the areas of your business that need it!

Do any of these sound familiar?


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Feeling out of Control?

We get it, not having your books in order is stressful. Thankfully, it doesn’t need to stay this way.

By providing your business with either a single service or a more comprehensive office and management package, we free you, the business owner, to spend your time where it is needed most. Your time may be desperately needed in sales, in the shop, or out on the job, but you find yourself stuck in the office balancing checkbooks, organizing your books, striving for financial accuracy, or trying to stay on top of the other 101 aspects of business administration.

We commit to helping you fill in those pieces so you can finally have peace of mind. Here’s to seeing you succeed and watching your business become more profitable!

Talk to an Expert

We believe life is too short to be spent worrying about your finances.

With 17 years of experience using EBMS and other accounting systems we will guide you to greater financial accuracy and consistency. Being Quickbooks certified, we commit to doing all we can to help you have peace of mind knowing your books are in good hands and under watchful eyes.
Talk to an Expert

How it works

We help clean up your books

Get weekly bookkeeping & support

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your books are in order

Frequently asked questions

How will Finance help my business?
Finance will allow you to finally get your books in order and under control. Allowing everything to be well organized and documented will relieve of stress and protect your business from future IRS issues.
Why do I need Financing?
Without accurate bookkeeping your business could quickly go downhill. IRS tracking will quickly see the errors and inaccuracy of even small details over the years, and can hurt you and the future of your business.
What happened to Golden Rule Business's website?
We are excited to officially announce that Golden Rule Business Services recently joined the team at Integro!

Both companies’ visions and values are in close alignment with each other, making this an excellent fit for each other. This new change now allows the team to offer even further assistance on EBMS custom projects and other financial services!
What does this mean for previous Golden Rule Business customers?
While services will continue as before, customers now have an entire team of developers, EBMS experts, and service providers . This will enable you to enjoy even further assistance on custom projects or other services. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to reach out to us anytime!

Discover the TOP FIVE bookkeeping mistakes

that get businesses in trouble with the IRS, plus how to avoid them!

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