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3. Nail Your Marketing Message
Nail Your Marketing Message
An irresistible ad…
It’s the thing business dreams are made of.
Endless leads, happy customers, more work than you know what to do with… Ah… Marketing at its best.
Unfortunately, most ads don’t work like that–or at all. And here’s the sad truth…
Most companies waste enormous amounts of money on marketing.
In fact, one independent study found as much as 26-80% of a business’s total marketing budget went to ineffective campaigns.
Knowing this reality, it’s no wonder many business owners wonder if marketing is worth the effort – especially if they already have other ways of getting clients.
In that context, investing in your marketing can certainly seem like a gamble. But before you throw in the towel on pushing your products and services through traditional marketing channels, I want you to know a little secret.
It’s the number one reason why ad campaigns fail. And when you accept this simple truth, you can create campaigns that drive more leads that you know what to do with.
So here it is. The reason most marketing just doesn’t work.
The company’s message is not clear.
While that may seem like a small point, it isn’t.
As you’ve already learned, it’s important to focus on your Target Audience. Otherwise, your ad will be completely ignored and fly under the radar. But beyond knowing your general demographic, you need to speak to your customers’ specific situation…
Their problems, desires and fears.
Then, and only then, can you position your company as the solution – ultimately solving your customers’ problems and giving them what they desire.
You do this with words. And only when you’ve chosen the right words to communicate your offering and how that improves the lives of your clients will they be chomping at the bit to do business with you.
Here’s how to do just that.
1. Nail the Problem
One of the first steps to crafting an effective marketing message is nailing the problem your customers face.
To do this, there are two things to consider:
First, what is their immediate, physical problem? A car that won’t start? A leak in the ceiling? Not enough space in their home? What?
This immediate – or “obvious” – problem is called their external problem, and your product or service is the practical solution. The nuts-and-bolts of what you do at your company.
The external problem may seem to be the most important issue your customer faces—but it’s not. And believing that it is puts many companies’ marketing dollars at risk.
So your task is to dig a bit deeper. You need to discover what truly propels them to act. To do that, think about how this problem makes them feel.
A car not starting is one thing. But an overburdened mother who needs to get her children to school – or the doctor – or a young professional who’s worried about making a job interview is something else entirely.
The external problem is the same – the car won’t start. But the stress, anxiety or frustration they feel is the real reason for getting the car into the shop.
It’s the difference between “We Fix Cars” and “We’ll Get You Back on the Road in No Time Flat.”
The point is this:
Your customer’s internal problem is what they’re most motivated to resolve. And most of all, they want to feel better.
2. Nail the Solution
Once you have a clear picture of your customer’s problem, it’s time to position your company as the solution.
To do this, think of yourself as a guide – a helping hand who’s going to walk by their side while they resolve their problems (by hiring you).
This is another place where marketing messages lose customers. By focusing too much on their business, the customer loses focus of how they will benefit. So, the goal is to keep the attention on the customer while positioning yourself as the answer to their problems.
Do this by establishing…
Empathy (an understanding of your customer and their problem) and...
Authority (proof you can solve the problem).
To demonstrate empathy, write a sentence or two explaining how or why you “get it.” How do you know their problems? In what ways do you relate to or feel for your clients?
After coming up with a few ideas, it’s time to establish your authority. Luckily, doing this is easy. You simply need to prove – very quickly and succinctly – that you’ve got what it takes to make their problem go away.
Establishing authority can be done with a few customer reviews or testimonials, pictures of completed work, a showroom, a long work history and solid reputation and much more. Just keep it short and return the focus to making your customers’ lives better.
3. Nail the Transformation
Understanding your customers’ internal problem gives you insight into another powerful marketing tool:
Being able to articulate the transformation they’ll undergo by doing business with you.
For example, a customer feeling despair may become empowered. One feeling insecure can become confident. And perhaps someone who's currently confused can become proud of the changes they’ve made in their life.
To nail down the customer transformation in your marketing message, think about how clients feel when they first come to you. Then, compare that to how you want them to feel after working with your business.
The transition between the two is your customer's “transformational identity.” Bring attention to that transformation in your marketing materials and you’ll hit a home run with your ads.
4. Nail the Stakes
While it’s important to paint a picture of your customer’s success, humans are funny creatures.
In some ways, people are far more motivated to avoid pain than they are to gain success. Because of this, you need to make sure prospective clients know what they have to lose by not doing business with you.
What practical issues might arise if a customer doesn’t purchase your products or services? What do they have to lose by not solving their problems in the immediate future?
Think of it as your responsibility to share these realities. However, know that you can overdo it. So just sprinkle in a bit of these stakes into your messaging – and know that if your ads become too negative, customers will want to avoid those, as well.
5. Nail Your Branding
Beyond the words of your marketing message, you also want to make sure your company’s look is consistent. This makes it easier for customers to recognize your brand as a familiar friend.
To make the most of your company’s branding, it’s useful to hire a professional to help you come up with brand guidelines (fonts, colors, design choices, etc.), social media guidelines as well as a modern logo.
To learn more about how Integro Marketing can solidify your company image, reach out for a free consultation today.
6. Keep it Simple
To begin crafting your company’s marketing message – and attracting more sales than you can handle – go through the above points and write down any ideas you have.
During the brainstorming time, try to get all of your ideas out without judgment. Let it flow.
Later, you can come back and choose the ideas you like the best to work on. When you find a basic message you like, the goal then becomes making it as clear and easy to understand as possible.
The goal here is for anyone walking the street to see your message and instantly understand the problem you solve and how you solve it. And here’s why.
Because when a customer is confused about what you do, they’ll move on. And the truth of the matter is that the market usually goes with the business that’s easiest to understand – not necessarily the one that does the best work.
If you'd like some help putting together your killer marketing plan, reach out for your free consultation with Integro Marketing. You’ll learn how to make the most of your marketing message so you can attract more leads than you know what to do with.
Your Step-by-Step Marketing Blueprint:
Presale: Reaching Cold Prospects
1. Your Marketing Budget Guidelines
The Sale: Converting Customers
7. Your Sales Conversion Strategy