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6. Maximize Sales with an Online Nurture System

Maximize Sales with an Online Nurture System

How’s this for counterintuitive:

You shouldn’t be advertising your products. 

Well, not as a first, anyway. And here’s why ->

On any given day your ads will reach people who typically fit into one of five categories.

  • Those who aren’t interested (about 30%)
  • Those who ultimately refuse your offer (30%)
  • Those who are interested but need more time and information (30%)
  • Those who are open to buying in the near future (7%)
  • Those who are ready to buy now (3%)

That means for every 100 people your ad reaches, only three of them are likely to pull the trigger at any given time. And considering that an advertisement aimed at a product is only going to capture immediate sales, it means you’re missing out on the other 37%—the customers who are interested but not quite ready to purchase. 

With that in mind, don’t you think it’d be better to appeal to the full forty percent? You know, rather than a measly three? And what if doing that were easy? Think it’s worth a shift in mindset to improve your ad effectiveness by 1233%?

Well, good news. That’s exactly what you’re going to learn with the rest of this article. So read on.

Improving Ad Effectiveness by 1233%

To make your ads wildly more effective, stop thinking about sales and start thinking about building relationships.

While this is generally excellent advice, there are a few ways you can leverage this mindset digitally as well—in particular by having these three marketing assets available from your website:

  • A lead generator
  • A sales campaign
  • And a nurture campaign

Let’s dive into each and see how they can grow your sales.

The Lead Generator

A lead generator is any free resource customers receive in exchange for an email address. An effective lead generator provides value your customer is able to use right away—typically information that helps them solve their problems. 

There are many formats for lead generators, and what you ultimately choose will rely heavily on your company and clients. Here are a few examples used successfully by many companies that will likely work for you as well.

  • eBooks
  • Checklists
  • Infographics
  • Reusable worksheets
  • Videos
  • Email newsletters
  • Quizzes
  • Surveys
  • Calculators and estimators
  • Etc.

Once you have a solid lead generator to offer your clients, the savvy marketer then advertises the lead generator over the actual product. The reason for this is simple.

Just like asking someone to marry you on the first date isn’t likely to snag you a spouse, asking for a sale right away isn’t the best way to improve your bottom line. However, by offering a free resource, far more people are likely to sign up and get on your email list.

Once they are on your email list, you can then nurture those relationships using automated sales and nurture campaigns (which you will learn more about shortly).

Lead generators also serve your business by:

  1. Qualifying your leads
    • Lead generators attract people interested in what you have to offer—creating more targeted mailing lists for future campaigns
  2. Establishing authority
    • Customers need to know you’re an expert if they’re to trust you with their hard-earned cash. Lead generators are an excellent way to establish your authority on a subject matter
  3. Creating reciprocity
    • Humans are driven to return favors and kindnesses. When you provide a free resource that helps solve their problems, they’re more likely to become paying customers down the line
  4. Improving web SEO
    • Downloadable materials on your website improve SEO rankings and drive more organic search results

If you’d like some additional info on creating the perfect lead generator for your clients, check out Integro’s free resource.

The Nurture Campaign

Unlike your sales campaign, a nurture campaign isn’t directed at making a sale. Rather, its purpose is to stay in touch and on the customer’s mind for when the time comes that they may need your products or services.

Typical nurture campaigns are sent out regularly (daily, weekly or monthly) and provide free value to customers. While the content of nurture campaigns varies, it should be relevant to your industry and customers’ needs.

Examples may include:

  • Pictures of recent projects
  • Tips and tricks related to your niche
  • Relevant news and other media
  • Wishing them well on holidays and special events

Without an ongoing nurture campaign, your company may fall prey to being “out of sight and out of mind.” So take a moment to brainstorm some ideas for staying in touch with your client base.

It’s well worth the effort, and you’ll notice a drastic uptick in new leads and long-term sales.

Of course, this does take a bit of time to set up. So if you’d rather have the pros do it, book your free call with an Integro marketing expert now.

Your Step-by-Step Marketing Blueprint:

Presale: Reaching Cold Prospects

1. Your Marketing Budget Guidelines

2. Your Target Audience

3. Your Message

4. Your Website

5. Your Traffic Channels

6. Your Nurture System

The Sale: Converting Customers

7. Your Sales Conversion Strategy

Post Sale: Creating Raving Fans

8. Your Customer Lifetime Value

9. Your Referral Program